Finance / Parenting Expert Duff McKagan Thinks America Will Bounce Right Back From The Hard Times

noah | April 3, 2009 12:00 pm

Duff McKagan may have an album coming out, but he’s also penning a finance column for Playboy‘s Web site. (Diversification: The mark of someone with financial smarts.) So what does the former Guns N’ Roses bassist think the future holds for the economy and / or blogging? (Please be optimistic, please be optimistic.)

“If you’re like me, you get kind of sick watching guys talk about market-to-market and aggregates and…’What the hell did you say to me?’,” McKagan explains. “I actually know what they’re saying, but I know that 99 percent of us don’t. We’re getting all this information, and people don’t really understand what happened to our economy, why it failed, what the credit crunch actually meant, what predatory lending practices were.”

McKagan — who predicts that the U.S. economy “will recover” in time — says he’s using reader feedback to help him determine what to write about. “People ask me, ‘Is now a good time to buy a house?’ so, OK, I’ll write about that. Or I’ll get an email, ‘Hey Duff, can you tell us about’ this or that, then I’ll write about those things. I just want to give people solid information so they can get some knowledge and get prepared for when this economy turns around.”

That must be why he ended his most recent column with the inspiring bit of comment-bait “Shit, I’d like to prosper on the way up and out of this thing. How about you?” Now there’s a sign that he’ll eventually get so good at this “blogging” thing that Playboy‘s Web site will give his writings some sort of landing page!

Duff McKagan Restarts Loaded, Says U.S. Economy ‘Will Recover’ [Billboard] Knowledge Now Means Dollars Later [Playboy]
