Beyonce’s Next Role Will Be In “Body Double”

noah | April 29, 2009 4:30 pm

Does the woman in the photo at left look like Beyonce to you? The singer was allegedly hoping so in Vienna, where she allegedly sent a body dobule to the Albertina Museum for an inconveniently timed private tour of the collection. (UPDATE: It was a prank played by a radio station.) You would think her handlers would figure that museum workers–many of whom are extensively trained on how to spy counterfeit pieces of art–would be able to figure that this woman who mysteriously resembled Leona Lewis was not their invitee, but apparently not. Awkwardly translated indignance after the jump!

Museum is indignant “We find an insolence”, said museum spokeswoman Verena Dahlitz about the appearance of the double. One had already easy doubts, “however we was us not surely”, like that Dahlitz. “From the face it could have been it, the body is already different.” Stutzig made the museum team the allegedly remarkable behavior of the double: “You view contacts with the director avoided and held back”, thus opposite Dahlitz themselves a little strangely. At least according to media reports the “correct” Beyonce had made a walk the same time, about which also photos were printed. Therefore the singer walked over the Kärntner road and gave in a good mood autographs.

So I guess Solange wasn’t available? Or Kelly Rowland? Or even someone from that London spectacle? Man, B, I thought you were more of a pro than this incident would imply.

Schröder Privatführung for Beyonce doubles [ORF; HT The Awl]
