Bret Michaels: Fighting For Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Surgically Enhanced Ladies

noah | June 25, 2009 11:15 am

Why did People decide to dress Poison lead singer/serial televised romancer Bret Michaels up in Revolutionary War garb for their bodice-ripper-themed “Hottest Bachelors” photo spread? So hacky bloggers would rise to the bait and make the easy “cocked and loaded” puns? Because through his VH1 shows, he’s spearheading his own, hair-extension aided Sexual Revolution? Because his hair extensions messed up the whole “extras from The Young Riders” feel of the Wild West shoot? Because the greenish tinge of said extensions matched with the dress of his beloved really well? So many questions! Bret’s secret to bachelorhood? Tequila! [People] [HT Jezebel]