Today In ‘Idol’: Radiohead Tunes Apparently Not Allowed On The ‘Idol’ Stage

Becky Bain | March 23, 2010 1:35 pm

:: The Top 11 perform #1 Billboard hits tonight, with Miley Cyrus as the guest mentor. So expect all 11 contestants to be pole dancing tonight followed by exposing their backs for inappropriate magazine spreads. [Idol Chatter]

:: Lilly Scott reportedly wanted to cover Radiohead’s “Nude” for weeks before she was voted off, but Idol producers wouldn’t even try to clear it for her because they said it was “not a very common song.” Is this the reason we keep hearing the same songs over and over on the Idol stage? [Idol Tracker]

:: Good news, folks: Adam Lambert’s next single is confirmed to be the dance-tastic “If I Had You.” Now the bad news: he won’t be touring with Christina Aguilera this summer. Wait, hold on, some better news: he’s planning his own damn tour instead of opening for somebody else. [AI Now]

:: Is Paula Abdul now gearing up to host a dance show for NBC? Can the woman please pick a career already? We’re getting bored waiting around for her to decide what to do next. []

:: After the jump, check out Lacey Brown performing “What a Wonderful World” on Letterman, and having to field this question from Letterman: “What do you win for being the American Idol?” Seriously? We know this is a new segment, having ousted contestants perform on his show, but what kind of rock has Letterman been living under the past nine years? [Via MJs Big Blog]