Everything’s Coming Up Kurt On Last Night’s ‘Glee’

Becky Bain | May 12, 2010 12:40 pm

In last night’s Glee episode “Laryngitis,” we said goodbye to Puck’s mohawk and Rachel’s voice, but said hello to an incredible powerhouse performance by Chris Colfer. After horribly attempting to play butch (and sound convincing while singing John Cougar Mellencamp) in order to get closer to his father, Kurt delivers the gut-wrenching soliloquy “Rose’s Turn” from Gypsy, knocking it out of the auditorium. We’ve always enjoyed Kurt’s storylines and performances on the show—but last night Colfer really shined. Blame Rachel Berry finally sitting out a few numbers due to tonsillitis. Watch below.

Out of all Glee‘s supporting cast (Jane Lynch excluded), we think Kurt is one of the more interesting, layered characters on the show. Not to say we don’t giggle every single time Heather Morris’ dimwitted Cheerio Brittany doesn’t spout one of her signature one-liners (“Kissing my armpits is a really big turn on for me”). But even she’s been getting more and more screen time lately, although we don’t know anything about her other than she is suspicious of her cat reading her diary, and she’s kissed every guy in the school besides Kurt.

Well, she can cross that one off the list now, since she falls for Kurt’s attempt as masculinity—behold, one of the most awkward, touching, and funny make out scenes you’ll see on television this season: