Chris Brown Shows His Love For Nicki Minaj’s Hit Single

Becky Bain | August 4, 2010 2:49 pm

Chris Brown may have shed a few tears the last few weeks, but his future is certainly looking up—the singer not only announced his plans for a new album (and a possible mixtape) to drop later this year, but he signed with Creative Arts Agency (CAA), one of the largest entertainment agencies in Hollywood. Expect the man’s IMDb profile to grow.

Another high note in Breezy’s week is his adept spin on Nicki Minaj’s Annie Lennox-sampling hit “Your Love”, complete with some brand new dirty-as-hell lyrics to match the lovey-dovey ones. Check it below.

Chris Brown – “Your Love” (Remix)

This is probably the best thing Chris has recorded in awhile. Too bad the track belongs to somebody else. It’s also unfortunate that although his singing is as smooth as ever, much of his added rapping is uncomfortably gross.

“I wanna kiss everything from the waist down / Keep your ass up and your face down” isn’t exactly a romantic request, and telling a girl you want to “get you to my sex room, do my shit, and I don’t mean restroom” is just plain… ew.

Are you feeling this “Your Love” remake, folks? Let us know in the comments.

[Hip-Hop Wired]