Jacob Latimore Gets An R&B Upgrade For New “I Like ‘Em All” Video

Becky Bain | October 17, 2011 1:00 pm

When we were first introduced to 15-year-old Jacob Latimore, he seemed on track to become the next Justin Bieber, releasing infectious, upbeat pop singles like “I Like ‘Em All”. However, it appears the RCA signee’s management has decided to tweak his image to de-Bieberfy him and morph him into a Lil Chris Brown. The kid’s single and video received an R&B makeover, and now he’s set his sights on finding new fans — check out both versions of “I Like ‘Em All” below and see if Team Jacob made the right move.

First up, here’s Jacob’s newest version of his single and video, which finds the teen checking out all the fly ladies at the local roller rink:

And here’s the original video, full of color, spunk, cheer and Diggy Simmons instead of rapper Issa:

Personally, we find the original version much more interesting and age-appropriate, whereas the R&B-tweaked recording lacks the original’s charm. Either way, the kid has got the magic to make pre-teen girls scream just like Bieber and Brown.

Which version do you prefer? Tell us below!