PSY Endorses Korean Face Cream & Postage Stamps, Because He’s PSY

Sam Lansky | March 11, 2013 8:51 am

Hey! Remember PSY? Yes, the erstwhile K-pop invader still hasn’t released that much-touted follow-up single (wasn’t that supposed to happen in November? Or something? Don’t mind us, we’ll just be over here, shouting soundlessly into the vortex! Oh wait, now it’s coming in April), but that doesn’t mean he’s stopped promoting “Gangnam Style” and lending his face to various expensive endorsement campaigns. And guess what? They’ve been successful!

According to The Hollywood Reporter (whose story is pretty LOL-inducing and offensive, describing his “rotund face,” calling him “chubby” and noting that “The YouTube star may be far from conventional notions of handsome,” so hey, THR, tell us how you really feel), PSY’s endorsement of the Energy Factory skincare line by Somang, a Korean cosmetics brand, has caused sales of their products to skyrocket.

He’s also on a limited-edition set of postage stamps launched by his label, YG Entertainment, so there’s that.

Next month: PSY takeover, round 2.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]
