Lady Gaga Approves Of Naked ‘Broad City’ “Edge Of Glory” Dance: Watch

Bradley Stern | January 23, 2015 11:00 am
Lady Gaga Posts Selfie With Adele
Lady Gaga and Adele: BFFs! What are these two divas up to?!

Everyone knows that there is no greater joy on this Earth than the sudden realization that you are home alone, allowing you free reign to do whatever you want. And by whatever, we mean dancing around naked to the sound of your favorite pop queens.

Luckily, Comedy Central’s Broad City has captured this experience brilliantly during their latest episode, in which Abbi strips down and busts a move to Lady Gaga‘s Born This Way anthem, “The Edge Of Glory.” The whole sequence is hilarious (and perhaps too real), and the clip quickly made its rounds across the Internet once the episode aired this week, leading all the way to Mother Monster herself. Did she appreciate the gesture?

As it turns out, most definitely. In fact, the ARTPOP seashell bikini lady only wishes she were there as well! “if only I’d been there to join in the nakedness,” she remarked in a tweet featuring the hilarious clip. Can the Little Monsters anticipate a Season 3 nude cameo from Gaga, perhaps?

Watch the silly video up top, and let us know your thoughts down below.
