Christina Aguilera’s ‘Bionic’ Album Turns 5: Stan & Deliver

Bianca Gracie | June 4, 2015 6:30 am

Name: Yasmin Evans | Location: East Sussex, UK | Twitter: @ItIsYasmin

11. “I Am”

“I Am” — such a beautiful song, filled with so much depth and honesty. Something Christina is good at is being honest through her lyrics and making her seem relatable. In this song she isn’t this pop star or celebrity, she is us, she has feeling’s, emotions, strength, love, fear. She is a woman, a human, a soul.

This track is a personal favourite of mine, her voice is hypnotising and along with that puts out great lyrics we all can relate to. This is a special song, not a song to put on as background noise, this is art in it’s true form, a song we all should appreciate. The first time I heard this I was completely floored, I couldn’t believe how perfect it was especially after hearing the stripped version [on the deluxe edition]. The divine musical composition was out of this world, the song is subtle but at the same time powerful as the arrangement was spot on Christina really knows when to show more or show a little less.

I would love for Christina to sing this live one day, acoustically maybe. Bionic is the album full of gems and “I Am” really is something precious. 

“I’m asking you to take me just the way that I am.”

Baring yourself completely isn’t always easy, especially to the one(s) you love and then hoping they will accept you as you are. We see a vulnerability in her that we don’t always see, we hear it in her voice, with soft controlled vocals but still being able to convey emotions that impact us. It’s not everyday we get to see/hear the softer vocal side of Christina but when it happens it’s like seeing a rainbow, it’s a rare beautiful occasion that you never forget and will always love.

She had some real great talent on the album as well as on this song, It’s great that these people explore creatively with her and let Christina just do her thing and let it all out. This song was only one of many that really show cases her ability to sing, write and compose but it’s also selfish of me to be happy that this song is really underrated as I get to truly enjoy without it being everywhere and exploited but at the same time it needs the recognition it deserves! 

I can not believe it’s been five years since Christina Aguilera released her masterpiece we know called Bionic, “I Am” so excited to be celebrating this album. Christina really went through it with this LP creatively but also personally and it’s an absolute pleasure to be honouring the efforts of the hard work that was put in and all the different persona’s shared on this album.

Christina stated: “That’s when I’m most at home and feel happiest. And all these people brought about new sides of me.”