Christina Aguilera’s ‘Bionic’ Album Turns 5: Stan & Deliver

Bianca Gracie | June 4, 2015 6:30 am

Name: Mike Wass | Location: Los Angeles, USA | Twitter: @mikewassmusic

5. “Desnudate”

Christina Aguilera had nooky on the brain during the Bionic sessions! From “Not Myself Tonight” to “Sex For Breakfast,” the enduring diva was brazenly, unapologetically on heat. While the aforementioned tracks are not for the faint of heart, nothing encapsulates the glory of Sextina better than “Desnudate.” Co-produced by The-Dream and Claude Kelly, the Latin-flavored club-banger found Christina expressing her desires in two languages. “Whisper all your festishes inside my ear,” she demanded. “My domain is shame free so lose your fear.”

When you throw in semi-pornographic refrains (go ask a Spanish-speaking friend what “damelo duro, me tienes tan mojada” means) and monstrous beats, you’re left with one hell of a pop song. Fun fact. Before RCA pulled the plug on Bionic, “Desnudate” was briefly considered for a single release. They even roped in Pitbull for a feature. It was never officially released but the two eventually joined forces for “Feel This Moment.” All’s well that ends well.

Here’s Pitbull’s version: