Katy Perry’s ‘Teenage Dream’ Album Turns 5: Stan & Deliver

Jonathan Riggs | August 24, 2015 5:42 am

5. “Peacock”

Name: Jonathan Riggs | Location: Enfield, NH | Twitter: @FarleyFlavors

Katy Perry don’t do subtle, kittens, and bless her for that. Sure, this ode to the way-underrepresented female gaze caused a lot of sensitive types to work themselves into a frenzy. To hear them tweet it, “Peacock” was the worst thing that would ever happen to pop music. (Little did they know!)

The truth is, no one over the age of 13 should criticize this glitter-penned graffiti in the girls’ bathroom. It’s as funny as it is stupid, but not without a certain sweetness. It’s the kind of jam home-schooled preteen girls might giggle-whisper about at church camp — “I don’t think she’s talking about a bird!” — and think they’re really getting away with something. Those girls need songs like this. We all do.

That’s the reason why “Peacock,” even though it was never released as a single, topped the Billboard Hot Dance Club chart and sold more than a million copies. It’s the Rosetta Stone to the Perry ethos and oeuvre: quasi-feminist sex-and-pun positivity. She might not be spearheading a revolution with this dirty-joke-turned-playground-chant, but at least it’s a go-go boot to the patriarchy’s balls.

6. “Circle The Drain”

Name: Marcela Fernandes | Location: São Paola, Brazil | Twitter: @katyboobies

This is one of my favorite song on Teenage Dream. I really relate the lyrics with a personal moment in my life; it’s incredible how Katy can write those lyrics! I mean, we don’t know exactly what she’s been through, nor does she know about us. I just feel it’s like a connection.

Besides, I don’t know if you all remember, but “Circle The Drain” was released as promotional single, two weeks (I guess) before the album’s release! And I was like, OMG, WHAT A SONG! Didn’t get the highest peak position, but for me it was #1 for sure!

My favorite line is “You think you’re so rock and roll but you’re really just a joke.” Seriously? Amazing! We all want to say it to someone who’s pissing us off. And sometimes we want to enjoy this person, but they lose their control — we can’t be your savior, we don’t have the power…because I wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother!