Niykee Heaton Winds Up Completely Naked On Her Manager’s Instagram

Mike Wass | February 4, 2016 5:22 pm
Niykee Heaton's Nude Swim
Niykee Heaton broke the internet (yet again) with an eye-popping nude swim. 4 pics.

Niykee Heaton has been unusually quiet on the music front of late, but her Instagram is still the sexiest spot on the internet. The 21-year-old recently posted an eye-popping snap in black lingerie, although that pales in comparison to a sexy snap that ended up on her manager’s account. “Now she got me thinkin I’m Helmut Newton,” Lauren Pisciotta captioned a naked picture of her famous client smoking a cigarette.

It looks like they had another Naked House Party — only this time in a hotel! Apart from making Instagram a sexier place, Niykee has promised to release new tunes in the not-too-distant future. The last we heard from her musically was a demo called “Psycho.” With its grimy beats and minimalist chorus, the track is definitely a change of pace from pretty ballads like “Infinity” and “Lullaby.”


A photo posted by Niykee Heaton (@niykeeheaton) on

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