Unbelievable Rumors About Famous Musicians That Turned Out To Be True

Jackson Sawa | December 7, 2017 5:47 pm

Charles Manson and The Beach Boys


Photo Credits: Getty Images

It’s been hinted at throughout the years that the infamous Charles Manson wrote a song that has been used by The Beach Boys, which is in fact true. Before Manson gained the reputation as a psychopathic murderer, he was attempting to pursue a music career in Los Angeles in the summer of 1968. During the time, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson ended up developing an odd friendship with him and Manson presented him with a song he wrote titled “Cease to Exist.” Wilson thought the song was good and changed it up a bit and renamed it “Never Learn Not to Love” and took credit for the song. It was only a year later that Manson and his followers committed their atrocities. The song is still attributed to the Beach Boys and Wilson went on to state, “As long as I live, I’ll never talk about that.”

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