Guns N’ Roses Craziest Moments

(remove) Noelle Talmon | February 28, 2018 2:23 pm

They Went On “Drug Rages” And Pooped In Their Sinks


In 1986, before the band had gotten big, they were already creating mayhem. They rented a house on the former estate of famous filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille. They had no money, were heavily using drugs, and were upset their debut album had stalled. They took out their frustration on the property by removing all the toilets and throwing them out the window. The band’s rep, Tom Zutaut, recalled: “People were defecating in the sinks. The holes in the floor where the toilets got ripped off were filled with urine. There were half-eaten Whoppers with mold on the wrappers. They would just get in these drug rages and just go berserk.”