Matthew Zeghibe

Why The Beyonce Pitch-Shifter Did It

noah | April 23, 2009 2:30 pm
noah | April 23, 2009 2:30 pm

iam Matthew Zeghibe was trying to make a point with his clip of Beyonce singing “If I Were A Boy” in the style of Melanie, although that point wasn’t about how things that are “funny” can travel around the Internet like wildfire without fact-checking! Instead, the professional digital artist said, “I was just trying to make a point. I wanted to show people how easy it is to manipulate someone’s voice. If I can do it with a clip I pulled off of TV, imagine what they are doing on records and during live performances. The entire industry has been so manipulated, because there’s such an emphasis on perfection, so when something like this happens, it causes such a stir.” Kind of an r-word-ish argument for someone who is also apparently a fan of Nick “Normund Gentle” Mitchell. The 10-minute YouTube clip where he explains himself and tells people that he’s available for hire is after the jump. More »

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