
noah | April 16, 2009 9:45 am
noah | April 16, 2009 9:45 am

In addition to relaunching itself as “the Huffington Post of music news” and as the worst battle rappers Music 2.0 has to offer, music-site-in-search-of-a-purpose MOG has ditched Rhapsody as its streaming partner, and is trying to strike its own deals for streaming music to its users, who surprisingly like to consume music more than they like to produce content about it. This should end well! [Billboard] More »

MOG Leaps Into Battle, Weaksauce Rhymes In Tow

noah | April 15, 2009 1:00 am
noah | April 15, 2009 1:00 am

MOG has been one of those “music 2.0” sites desperately in need of an identity since its launch a few years ago. First, it was a playlist watcher that had blogging attached. Then it dabbled in masterminding its own ad network, as well as allowing people who blogged on its site to stream songs from their entries. And now it’s trying to be a “Huffington Post of Music,” which basically means that the site’s apparently not-well-trafficked homepage is cluttered with links to local pages that then link through to blogs that participate in its various networks. A genius way to increase pageviews—although its real ace in the hole, according to TechCrunch, seems to be that “[the site’s] entire editoral staff consists of only six people, and its contributing authors aren’t getting paid—they’re just writing about what they love.” (Can someone tell me why it consistently seems that the “brave new world of Music 2.0” is one where only executives are allowed to make money off digital music?)

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