“Paste” Magazine Writes Even Worse Headlines Than We Do

Brian Raftery | November 6, 2006 10:22 am

Imagine a world in which every musician and filmmaker is treated with hushed reverence, where earnest singer-songwriters frolic like newborn sea lion pups, and where the notion that Guns N’ Roses may have actually been a good band warrants a critical exegesis. This is the world of Paste magazine, and we are but its prisoners: With the mainstream music magazines in a bit of a “Who the hell are we writing for?” rut, Paste has zeroed in on that elusive readership that loves Shawn Colvin, but finds Nelly Furtado “a little bit out there.” It’s like XXL for new dads, and while we could go on and on about how it drives us ape, we’re going to settle (for now) on the magazine’s headlines, which all seem to adhere to the following formula: “Famous person: Have you heard of this famous person’s most famous achievement?” They’re reason No. 438 why we can’t even get through the articles.

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