Listening Station: SoKo Is Crazy For You–And Yes, We Mean <i>That</i> Crazy

noah | March 9, 2007 11:25 am

This song from the French pop duo SoKo, which we found on Wolf Notes this morning, starts off pretty sweet–handclaps, gently strummed guitar, and wistful lyrics about a romantic future that could have been. Then, it gets to the chorus; there, “love” starts tipping over into “crazy,” thanks to a rival woman arriving on the scene, and the long walks and whispered “I love you”s fantasized about earlier turn into imagined scenarios that stop just short of involving boiled bunny rabbits. We hope recording this song was as cathartic for SoKo’s lead singer as it sounds.

SoKo – I’ll Kill Her [MP3 link expired; via Wolf Notes] SoKo [MySpace]
