Videodrone: Remembering A Time When Puffy Had Mo’ Money, Fewer Problems

Brian Raftery | April 17, 2007 3:17 am

The Smoking Gun has just launched TSG TV, a new online-video service that will provide the world with yet another source for watching old-timey celebrities looking buzzed on talk shows. There are only a few music-related clips, though the one must-see is this “video invitation” for Puff Daddy’s 1998 birthday party, featuring cameos from the likes of Mariah Carey, Ellen DeGeneres, Ben Stiller, Pat O’Brien, Oprah, Aerosmith and Chris Rock. It’s five-and-half-minutes of painful “Oh hey, his name is so funny!” jokes over a non-stop loop of “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems,” and while it’s monumentally ego-addled, it’s still not as horrific as that old “Come With Me” video, which we really urge you to watch all the way through again.

Puffy’s Vanity Video [TSG TV]
