Streets Of New York Now Paved With Old Indie-Rock CDs Instead Of Gold

noah | June 11, 2007 8:50 am

Yesterday’s New York Times City section had a small note on the apparently weather-induced trend of people dumping their entire CD collections out with their trash:

As the weather warms and New Yorkers wrap up their spring cleaning, more and more CDs are going the way of the cassette and the eight-track tape. While some iPod owners are selling their albums to iPod-challenged friends and neighbors, others are simply dumping entire collections on the sidewalk. Either way, it’s almost impossible to walk down the street without tripping over the city’s aural histories. Call it CD roadkill.

On Fifth Avenue a few days ago, Jeff Dupée, the lanky redheaded bassist in the pop-punk band the Impulse, spotted two clear trash bags filled with indie-rock CDs.

“I’ve thought about taking them to sell at the CD store that’s two blocks away,” he said the other day, presiding over his own stoop sale on Third Street near Fifth Avenue.

Among the albums dumped by the article’s interviewees: Tom’s Album and an album by the outfit Skankaholics Unanimous. (You can probably ballpark that band’s genre of choice.) If those titles are indicative of what’s in the two garbage bags–and judging by our own recently jettisoned CDs, we don’t doubt that they are–we suspect that Mr. Dupée will get little more than a dirty look, an eye-roll, and a bit of back pain after dragging them into the store.

The Ballad of the Spurned CD [NYT]