Dream Theater Signals A New Entry In The “Worst Album Cover Of The Year” Race

jharv | August 13, 2007 12:47 pm

Admittedly I’m working from a position of bias, since my best friend subjected me to far more Dream Theater than anyone should be harassed with when I was in college. (By which I mean “more than one live version of ‘Flight of the Bumblebee.'” Yes, yes, hella sick drumming, dude. Can we get back to listening to Snoop now?) I’m sure “ants crawling on a stoplight with a portentiously Photoshopped orange sky behind it” has some sort of deep political/social subtext that I’m not quite grasping. Perhaps any Dream Theater fans in the audience can enlighten us. (Tip of the hat to tipster Lucas Jensen for pointing this one out and forcing me to remember the days when I was made to listen to Marillion albums during roadtrips.)

Systematic Chaos [Amazon]