Kenny Chesney To 50 And Kanye: Watch Your Backs

noah | August 14, 2007 4:00 am

Kenny Chesney’s Just Who I Am: Poets And Pirates is yet another album coming out on Sept. 11, and he wants people to know that he might wind up sneaking in between 50 Cent and Kanye West and grabbing the top slot on that week’s Billboard 200. So much so that he’s willing to plead his case in an e-mail to Entertainment Weekly. Yes, really.

”It’s funny how with every record that comes out, we’re aware of the urban [competition], and none of those acts acknowledge that I exist,” Chesney tells EW via email. ”Until I have that No. 1 debut on the Top 200.”

Oh boy. Well, Chesney’s last studio album, The Road And The Radio, did, in fact, enter the charts at the top slot when it was released back in November 2005. And if he keeps slinging those yard-tall margaritas, who knows what havoc will ensue at the nation’s Targets and Best Buys when that week finally rolls around.

Kenny Chesney vs. Kanye and Fitty [EW]