Guns N’ Roses Keyboardist Looking for Roommate

noah | September 28, 2007 12:54 pm

Guns N’ Roses keyboardist Dizzy Reed–who, on MySpace, plays a 24-year-old lesbian–is looking for a roommate: “That’s right, I am stil looking for a place to lay my head when I am in L.A. And let me narrow it down so I don’t get the multitude of useless responses I got last time: I want to rent a room From someone not TO someone. It must be in L.A. (so don’t bother resondoing from anywhere else saying you wish or whatever) preferably the Ho, WeHo, NoHo area. And I prefer a female roomate who doesn’t have any crazy ass drug habits (esp. weed, speed) but drinkin jager and watchin sports is way coolio. No weird ENERGY man!! Contact me if u r for real…..Diz.” Ladies? [Dizzy Reed’s MySpace via Blabbermouth]
