New Game Show To Test Americans’ Capacity To Write Catchy Tunes That Will Then Be Shown Endlessly In Ads

noah | October 2, 2007 4:35 am

Indie musicians whose livelihoods are semi-dependent on repurposing their songs as ads may want to think about alternate revenue streams–and it’s all because of a threatened TV writers’ strike. The possible walkout is resulting in a lot of game shows being ordered by networks; one of the shows on CBS’ plate for summer ’08 is Jingles, where–you guessed it–contestants jockey with one another to see who can write the best songs honoring actual products that will, no doubt, be thrilled to be included on the show:

[Producer Roy] Bank, who heads development for Mark Burnett Prods., said casting will be key, with the producers aiming for diversity within the teams.

“A team could be anything from a sole singer-songwriter to a brother/sister team to a hip-hop group or a barbershop quartet,” Bank said. “Their performance onstage will really determine the vote.”

The show, he added, will combine “a lot of things that are currently working on television: fun, high-energy performances mixed with competition and a more pointed purpose.”

There’s a lot more marketingspeak in the rest of the story (including a quote from an excited Sara Lee rep and an indication that some jingles may also be written for people–just in time for Election ’08), but in case you’re one of those worried musicians out there, take heart: The grand prize is a lump sum of cash and a job at an ad agency! Wait, how is a job a prize again?

CBS rings Burnett’s ‘Jingles’ [Variety]
