Goldfrapp Leaves Us Cold (And Lost In The Rock-Critic Woods)

jharv | January 8, 2008 4:45 am

Goldfrapp, four years ago you could do no wrong with your Germanic techno dolled up for Top Of The Pops, the eeriness of your (black) cherry tinted synths and glam band rhythms making for a sour brand of diva pop sourced in fairy tales, fashion mags, and all sorts of eccentric Englishness. Your new single “A&E,” on the other hand, is ass, though in fairness it’s competently executed adult alternative ass.

And yes, the video is cute, especially if you thought the singing! dancing! ultra-tweeness of the clip for Feist’s “1-2-3-4” needed a cameo by Swamp Thing, but the song, which Blender (favorably!) compared to interstitial music from Gray’s Anatomy, is gummy VH1-ery at best, and because there’s no justice in a YouTube world, that cuteness will probably make it a moderate viral American hit, meaning we’ll get more of Alison Goldfrapp playing the mature Colbie Caillat, instead of Alison Goldfrapp as the woman who’d recast Olivia Newton John’s “Let’s Get Physical” as an electro track sleazy enough to put the red back into your embarassable parts.

Goldfrapp – “A&E” [Daily Motion]
