Whither The Live Album: The Debate Continues

noah | July 8, 2008 10:00 am

A programming note: I’m going to be on the WNYC show Soundcheck at 2 p.m. ET today; I’ll be discussing the live album, and whether it will last through the YouTube era or be stamped out by thousands of people with cameraphones–not to mention whether it should survive in the first place. On the other side of the table will be the British writer Simon Hardeman, whose gloomy feelings on the format were noted by Dan a few weeks back. So, a question for you that will help me with prepping for the show: What was the last live album you bought? Mine was the CD commemorating Rufus Wainwright’s Judy Garland show at Carnegie Hall, which I purchased as much to remember my attendance of said event as I did because I’d foresee myself listening to Rufus’ take on “San Francisco” again. [WNYC]