Kanye West’s ‘Alligator Boots’: Behind The Scenes Of His Never-Aired Pilot

Erika Brooks Adickman | September 14, 2011 1:22 pm

Kanye West teaming up with the creators of Crank Yankers on a puppet variety show for adults sounds like a no-brainer, but sadly the 2009 Comedy Central pilot never made it to air. Thankfully Konee Rok productions has released a 10-minute behind-the-scenes preview of the unseen show. Below watch Yeezy interact with a NSFW puppet named Beary White (get it?), Kim Kardashian dressed as Princess Leia and the makings of several seemingly hilarious scenes from what would have been: Alligator Boots. We guess it will merely remain the rapper’s beautiful dark twisted TV fantasy.

We wonder how Statler and Waldorf would have liked Alligator Boots.
