Justin Timberlake Joins Instagram, And Obviously He’s Really Good At It

Carl Williott | February 12, 2013 8:35 am

Justin Timberlake joined Instagram the day after the Grammys and went on a photo binge, posting a string of classy, black-and-white Grammy grammies and shots from his show at the Palladium. Needless to say, he’s a better Instagrammer than you, with nary a blurry nor mirror-assisted selfie to be seen. It helps when you have friendly professional photographers following  you around and friends like Timbaland to pose with. Check out photos from his pre-Grammy routine and Palladium concert in the gallery up top. After this bunch of pics, are you adding JT to your Instagram feed? Hit us up below with your thoughts, or let us know on Facebook and Twitter!