“Westword” Wha?: The “Village Voice” Vitriol Mystery Continues

noah | January 31, 2007 10:22 am

Earlier this evening we opened the Microsoft Word copy of that slam-filled Pazz & Jop essay we received today–we needed a chuckle–and while checking out the “Properties” window, we found a curious attribution under the “Last saved by” field: The username “westword.” Westword, for those of you who haven’t been keeping tabs on Village Voice Media’s ever-expanding empire, is the Denver-based link in the alt-weekly chain; it’s enough of a coincidence to make us wonder if we were wrong in dismissing the whole brouhaha as a prank on the new kids. (A few of VVM’s editorial higher-ups seem to call Denver their home as well.) Any ideas on who might have leaked this to us, and why, can go to the usual address; for now, we’re going to play with the “track changes” function and see what else we can turn up.

After the jump, a full screenshot of the Word document we were leaked, complete with “Properties” screen. (Note the word count–1,100, which seems to be an awfully long-winded way of saying “We’re taking our ball and going home.”)


Earlier: Village Voice Doesn’t Know Jack