Drake Visits Penn State, Performs “Make Me Proud”

Becky Bain | November 11, 2011 2:20 pm

Despite the current scandals and protests ravaging Penn State University, Drake continued his Club Paradise tour and made a stop at the school’s Bryce Jordan Center. “I want to truly thank you for being able to come together and have a great evening,” he told the crowd of 15,000 while wearing a Penn State hoodie. “Despite everything that’s going on around you, this is one of the greatest schools in the motherfucking world.” Watch Drizzy perform Take Care track “Make Me Proud” at the university below.

Somehow, the chorus “I’m so proud of you” seems a whole lot more ironic when sung to many of the same people who were protesting the firing of coach Joe Paterno so aggressively that they overturned a news van.

[Via Rap-Up]

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