11 Flop Star Groups Time Forgot (But We Never Will)

Jonathan Riggs | May 19, 2016 9:39 am

4. The Wanted

Debut album: The Wanted (2010) Best Single: “Glad You Came” Billboard Hot 100 Peak: 3 Their Secret Weapon: The tragic irony of their name. Their Most Eloquent YouTube Defender: “Hasn’t been the same since Zayn left the group.”

3. Shampoo

Debut album: We Are Shampoo (1994) Best Single: “Trouble” Billboard Hot 100 Peak: n/a Their Secret Weapon: “Yas, Rita Repulsa, YAAAAS!Their Most Eloquent YouTube Defender: “Shampoo came up with ‘Girl Power’ before the Spice Girls did.”

2. Mis-Teeq

Debut album: Lickin’ On Both Sides (2001) Best Single: “Scandalous” Billboard Hot 100 Peak: 35 Their Secret Weapon: Scoring this classic Catwoman scene. Their Most Eloquent YouTube Defender: “I remember when I first heard this song back in 03 I was jacking off and now im 24 years old and still jacking off”

1. The Gonnabees

Debut album: Queen of Pop (2004) Best Single: “Queen of Pop” Billboard Hot 100 Peak: 1 (in a just world) Their Secret Weapon: SCALPING Britney, Janet and every other pretender to the crown out there in a jam that sent SHOCKWAVES through the industry…or at least a back alley dumpster in Van Nuys. Their Most Eloquent YouTube Defender: “ok this is the only place i can find this song …. why is that”

Which of your fave pop flops did we leave out this time around? Let us know below!