These Musicians Were Accused Of Plagiarism And It Wasn’t Pretty

Jackson Sawa | January 12, 2018 7:03 pm

Queen and David Bowie Called Out “Ice Ice Baby”

Photo Credit: Scott Harrison/Getty Images

If you’ve ever been ready to belt out all of the lyrics to Vanilla Ice’s hit song “Ice Ice Baby” only to realize that it’s not the right song, you’re not alone. Ice’s track was the first ever hip-hop song to hit No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 which was a big accomplishment. Yet, artists David Bowie and the members of Queen had something to say about it — and they weren’t the only ones. The public, as well as Bowie and Queen, pointed out that the song closely resembled their 1981 hit “Under Pressure,” almost to the exact note. At first, Ice denied the accusations but ended up paying both parties royalties to avoid going to court.