South Dakota To Ted Nugent: We Don’t Want Your Kind Here

jharv | August 29, 2007 8:50 am

Apparently we’re not the only ones annoyed/exhausted by Ted Nugent’s unrelenting dickery. Folks in South Dakota also weren’t too happy when they were among the several hundred thousand people to catch Ted’s video outburst on stage at a recent concert, calling for the death and dismemberment of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton via machine gun (to the mouth and genitals, respectively), and they asked him to turn it down before he wang-danged for the corndog-eaters at the state fair:

After profane outburst about Obama & Clinton, rocker Nugent asked to tone down in S.D.

Last week, Web video of rocker Ted Nugent profanely expressing his outrage about Democratic presidential contenders Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama got quite a bit of attention (the clip, which we warn you contains explicit language, has now been watched nearly 560,000 times — it’s posted here at

Today, KSFY-TV in Sioux Falls reports that officials from the South Dakota State Fair heard about Nugent’s tirade and have asked him to tone things down when he appears at the fair on Sunday.

Susan Hayward, who manages the fair, tells the station that officials contacted Nugent’s representatives yesterday and reminded them that the fair is a family-oriented event. “They were very courteous in responding immediately in assuring us that that’s exactly what we would have,” Hayward says.

560,000 times! (We’ve done our part.) Christ, that’s got to be galling for Ted, though. If only he could somehow translate all those rubbernecking Internet viewers into actual record sales. Maybe he wouldn’t have to play state fairs. And pussy out on spouting his indefensible belief system when pressed by state fair officials.

Nugent Asked To Tone It Down For S.D. State Fair [Detroit Free Press via Blabbermouth]
