Jonas Brothers Hater Refocuses Her Ire, Brings A Friend Along

noah | January 2, 2008 4:30 am
Dear readers: I am so thrown off by this “East Coast blogging on Pacific Standard Time” thing that I can’t tell if it’s 1:30 or 4:30, if I should be eating brunch or dinner or afternoon tea! (So I decided to get some In & Out, which is really appropriate for any time of day.) I’m all off-kilter and the fact that I haven’t showered yet is just adding to my general disarray. However, there is one thing I can count on: The ever-burning anger of our friend ADiehardFOBFan, who has brought along a (not as funny as her!) friend for her latest clip, an anti-Ashlee Simpson treatise that seems to stem entirely from the fact that they got shut out of a Fall Out Boy show in their hometown because of a high proportion of tickets being bought by Ashlee fans. It seems just absurd enough to work, right? And yet…

OK so I’m pretty sure it’s not just my time-zone-related confusion that makes something seem off about the clip. It’s way long, it combines the spoken-word/written-on-a-card aesthetics of earlier videos in a confusing way, and the two-headed aspect of is simultaneously working my nerves and reducing my sympathy level. Sweetie! focus! Your clip only has 87 comments in the past two days, which is no way to capitalize on your newfound YouTube fame.

Ashlee Simpson is a crackwhore [YouTube]